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Teaching Methods
Teaching with cases: Initial Advice


El método de deliberación permite tomar decisiones de consenso, de mayoría o por unanimidad y otros equipos que trabajan con el método de discernimiento ético.

La deliberación pública, es un método de discurso público, educación, investigación, y acción. Utilizado eficazmente, puede ser una herramienta poderosa para compartir ideas entre los miembros de la comunidad o para que las personas obtengan un mayor conocimiento acerca de temas locales y globales y las consecuencias de nuestras decisiones en la ecoinomía local y global.

A Public Deliberation is a way of discussing important issues and wrestling with tough choices. A deliberation is not a debate, with opposing sides trying to win. Neither is it a casual discussion. It is a way for people to reason and talk together, and to work through choices about basic directions for our communities, our country and the global economy.

In a deliberation, everyone has a say and everyone listens. Deliberation is an opportunity to express your views and explore what others think as well. It is a way to deeply explore your beliefs and understand the choices that you make as an individual in a community.

With each individual presenting their own values and considering the values of others, deliberation becomes a way to determine which actions are in the best interests of everyone, and the implications on your life. In the deliberative process, rather than having a debate with winners and losers, we work to improve our understanding of each other's values, the choices that we all face and the consequences of our choices.