About the topics for the papers to be presented
The author must select one of the following topics for their paper:
- Competency-based learning.
- Hybrid learning.
- Flexible and personalized learning.
- Inverted classroom.
- Connectivism and social learning.
- Learning evaluation.
- The new curriculum.
- Innovative learning spaces.
- Gamification.
- Others.
- Adaptive learning.
- Ubiquitous learning.
- Learning analytics.
- MOOC’s.
- Augmented reality.
- Virtual reality.
- Social networks.
- Mobile learning.
- Others.
- Intellectual property and copyright.
- Methodologies for innovation.
- Resources for innovation.
- Monitoring and evaluation of the impact of educational innovation.
- New models for educational institutions.
- Digital Addictions and Prevention.
- Risks of virtual personality.
- Process change.
- Others.
- Competencies of the new teacher.
- Training and development models.
- Student profile.
- Open educational practices.
- Collaboration networks.
- Development of entrepreneurship.
- Development of personal and academic resilience.
- Bulling and Cyberbullying.
- Models of mentoring.
- Others.
- Clinical Learning Assessment (OSCE'S, Evidence based assessment, Work based assessment, simulation).
- Medical Interdisciplinary Learning.
- Medical Research Based Learning.
- Technology in Medical Education.
- Other (clinical cases, flip class room, tools for the development of clinical judgment).
- What is making college in innovation.
- How is facing the challenges of change and the current complexity.
- Others.
- Big data in education.
- Technology for entrepreneurship education.
- Limitless potential.
- Challenges of social entrepreneurship in education.
- Workshop to address educational problems.
- Business model canvas for education.
- Education Committee productive.