The Value of MOOCs to Early Adopter Universities |
- While MOOCs may not yet (and may not ever) be the "game changers" for higher education that some predicted, neither are they disappearing. On the contrary, their numbers continue to grow.
- The chance to pursue university mission goals through a high-profile development in higher education that simultaneously promotes university image, gives some members of the faculty a much larger audience, and is perceived positively by a public seeking increased connection with an otherwise exclusive university, is an opportunity too good for the early adopters to pass up.
- The exuberance of 2012 has faded, replaced by the skepticism of 2014, but at the early adopter universities, MOOCs appear poised to play an important role in the higher education picture for at least the next few years, perhaps beyond, with a strong value proposition: supporting the goal of improving on-campus teaching and learning while also promoting the university and its faculty.
- At the same time, the elite universities connect with the public through educational outreach, demonstrating leadership in an emerging higher education learning technology.
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