Chapter 1: Technology Institute of Monterrey toward 2005.
- New work and social context
- The national context of graduate education
- Results of the Tec consultation
- Definition of the mission for 2005
Capítulo 2: An Educational Model Based on Learning.
- Learning process based on the student
- Role changes
- Conclusions
Capítulo 3: Characteristics of the Educational Model.
- Students learn to work collaboratively
- Students acquire relevant and deep knowledge
- Students direct their own learning process
- Student improve his/her learning process through a continuous evaluation
Capítulo 4: Development of personal qualities and integral formation of the personality.
- How personality and character are modeled at the Monterrey Tec
- Personal qualities and characteristics of the integral personality
Capítulo 5: Informatics and telecommunication systems as a support to the educational model.
- Use of technological tools
- Technological platforms supporting professors
- Technological support and infrastructure development
- Comments and conclusions
Capítulo 6: The didactic techniques of the Tec educational model.
- Characteristics common to all the didactic techniques
- The education model of Tec, internationalization of the Institute and didactic techniques
- Description of didactic techniques
Capítulo 7: The change towards Tec's educational model.
- Theoretical considerations about change processes in education
- Characteristics of the Program for the Development of Teaching Abilities (PDHD )
- Conditions for change: Institutional support
- Achievements
- A retrospective regard of the educational change